Ready to move towards wholehearted, playful creation?


Playful Creativity Hour

The space and support to move through creative hesitation with playfulness and patience towards yourself and your gifts.

The momentum you'll gain from learning to tightly embrace your creative visions, no matter how messy it becomes or how busy you are, will create a ripple effect that will slowly but surely transform your creative life.

If you've been waiting to take the big, perfect creative leap, but the "perfect" moment never arrived... this is an invitation to take small baby-steps instead, with spontaneity.

If that inner critic always shows up when you're trying to peacefully nurture your gifts... creating amidst a circle of encouragement is an opportunity to mute that inner critic.


Playful Creativity Hour

The monthly prompt-led, co-writing experience to generate new ideas, satisfy creative cravings and soothe your creative heart.

A melodious prompt-led writing experience with the use of prompts found laced within song lyrics!

This is your sign to experiment with your creativity through a melodic twist until it unearths new, positive feelings within you, surrounding your writing and creativity.

Melodic Creativity Hour is a blend between writing and melodies. Through the practice of writing prose or poetry with the guidance of writing prompts originally found in song lyrics. It's a curiosity-filled creative exploration experience.

What's inside:

Playful Meandering

45 minutes - A simple, yet magical formula

Write, (or doodle) with open-ended creative prompts. Writers: write prose, poetry, lists, etc.

The prompts will for writing, but I'll teach you a technique to turn the writing prompts into drawing/art prompts for the art-loving-folks!

You'll do it in silence, or in the presence of melodies that you choose to play for yourself.

You’ll have the option to share or savour your work by yourself in between each round of the three rounds of creating. We’ll share a few words of encouragement to those who share to celebrate their courage.

Gem finding!

15 minutes - A writing challenge

You'll find a phrase or word somewhere you usually don't look for your final creative prompt!

We'll share the words with each other in the chat to collectively create a word bank to use for our last round of writing and sharing.

Conquer constant creative hesitation with the freeing act of artistically meandering through your thoughts and ideas.

Date and time

The start of the month, always on Sundays at 8:30 - 9:30 pm IST. These workshops are currently on a break! They will be back in May/June 2024.

Convert it to your time zone here.


Navigate towards true creative joy.

The suggested amount is $10/$20

Minimum amount: $10 But, you may choose to contribute a higher amount if you feel inspired to!

To ensure you receive the link:

Register 12 hours before the time of the event. If you register after that, you will automatically be given access to join the next event. When you pay 10 dollars or more, please use the option to leave a note to write 'Playful Creativity Hour' with the date for which session(s) you'd like to join.


Once you pay, send me an email at with the subject line 'Playful Creativity Hour' with the date for which session you'd like to join at least 3 hours before the event.

Have a question? Still not sure? Drop me a note at I'll try my best to help!

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